Sunday, November 29, 2009

De-Cluttering, where do you start?

The biggest problem I face as a Professional Organiser is helping to adjust my client's belief, or rather their disbelief that they can get organised.

We (you & I) tend to keep doing the same things over and over again hoping that one day we will get a different outcome! Well, it's not going to happen. You need a new approach to get a different outcome. The thing that changed my life from chaos to order was having a plan. Plan your room, I know it sounds simple but it works. Take your dining room for example, what do you use it for? Eating? Well, that's what it was designed for but there are other things people use this space for, for example...

1. Entertaining
2. Storing table linen
3. Family games nights
4. Homework
5. Sewing!

Many of my clients use this space for storing unsorted papers, shopping that hasn't been attended to or as an extension of the laundry. NO! I rarely see these things on my clients 'perfect world' list!

The dining room table is a great spot for homework to be done. Mum can see sweet little Johnny happily doing his times tables (well, alright, through my rose coloured glasses that's what he's doing...) The table is also a perfect height and size to cut out patterns etc.

Once you know what the space you want organised is REALLY used for then, and only then, you can start sorting and know what to keep. The rest is simple, if there is anything that does not have a reason (or permission) to be there, remove it.

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