Alrighty, just 16 kid free days before the school holidays start here in Oz. Are you ready? I know, it's shocking, but we have to be on top of it before it knocks us sideways!
We really need to remember the reason for the season..... Jesus, peace, goodwill (eating twice our own body weight in high fat, high sugar foods - or is that just me?) So whatever you do keep the reason clearly in mind and do everything out of love for others!
How often do we get so wrapped up (scuse the pun) in being busy that we forget to stop & enjoy. Why? Mostly because we haven't spent time making plans so it's easy to be sidetracked.
Here are a few quick tips to get you on track:
1. Clear the Clutter.
If you have visitors staying with you, start organising the space that they will be sleeping in. If you need to declutter start now!
2. Write your lists.
Make a list of who is coming, who you need to buy presents for and what they like to eat.
3. Be prepared.
Go shopping before the end of November using the list from point 2. Of course only buy non perishable food at this point and be sure to hide it 'good & proper' away from grubby little (& big) fingers!
4. Family Time.
Think about how you will spend your time during the holidays and what you would like to remember in years to come! What will you do on the day? Do you have kids to keep occupied? Are there old folk who need their hands held? Make some notes while you think about it, it will give you more time on the day.
5. Delegate.
Instead of getting hot & bothered with all YOU have to do, delegate. Turn chores into fun (or family traditions)! One of the favourite bits of Christmas for our daughter is when all the ladies in our family get together the night before and peel veggies! Of course we start out being efficient and organised but it soon disintegrates into story telling and peels (scuse the second pun) of laughter.
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