For those of you who, like me, have had to learn to be organised, here are my Top Ten Time Saving Tips:
- Have your stuff where it gets used. Have the cd’s next to cd player, keep magazines next to your favourite reading chair. Store the washing up stuff under the sink and keep the iron in the ironing basket.
- Keep all like stuff together. Make up & nail polish can be stored in the bathroom in their own containers. Have all your shoes stored in the same place. If you have a family & don’t want them mixed up together, store them in the same way say in the wardobe on a shoe hanger or basket. Have all your linen in one spot.
- Collect & sort your mail daily. Get into a routine with mail & you’ll find it won’t accumulate in piles everywhere. Always sort your mail next to the paper recycling box so you can trash immediately.
- Have a ‘To Go’ container by the front door. Put an attractive container in an easily accessible place near the front door. Each time you come across a library book, or something that needs to be returned to a friend place it in your ‘To Go’ basket.
- Group like chores together. If you’re doing the ironing, do all of it at the same time. You only have to get the ironing board out once instead of several times a week. Peeling veggies? Peel all of them then it’s only one lot of clean up. This tip will save you hours!
- Plan your meals a week at a time. No more going to the cupboard to find you don’t have the ingredients for dinner. Remember to include school lunches, breakfasts, snacks & drinks. It’s very useful if you happen to be late home, there’s no slipping into a quick fix take away.
- Shop once a week. Now you know what your meals will be for a week you only need to make the shopping trip once! Use the meal plan to write a list of ingredients. It may take a bit of getting used to at first. Keep a list handy that you can add to as you think of things you run out of them such as toilet cleaner, paper towels etc.
- Write ALL your appointments on the calendar as soon as they are made. Keep a pen (that works) just for the calendar. You can get some great accessories that will ’stick’ the pen to the calendar!
- Keep your calendar next to the phone. This way when the dinner invitations are called through you can make a note immediately. You can also see at a glance whether you’re available… No more double bookings.
- Get a calendar! If you don’t already have one you NEED one! Just one central one where ALL of your information is stored. For families I find a paper one with columns for every family member invaluable. If paper doesn’t appeal to you there are plenty of electronic alternatives but everybody must have easy access to it (except the dog!) or it won’t work.

When I visit a client for the first time pretty much all of these tips come up! I had to learn the hard way as being organised didn’t come naturally! Please have the benefits of my mistakes and experience!